Monday, June 30, 2008

D40 vs D60

In about ten minutes the clock will read 12:00am and will mark the beginning of July. To most this means the heart of summer and fun. To me, It marks the the month of my birth. On the 5th I will turn a regal 22 years and realize that I only have life markers of 30, 40, 50 and so on. Along with that I can look forward to retirement and any event that may come with that. This means that I will have to treat myself with a new toy to distract me from that realization. I have decided that toy will either be the Nikon D40 or D60.

The deciding factor will be whether I want 6 mega pixels or 10. Decisions... decisions... Here comes 4 days of hardcore research and headaches.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


I have become a Craigslist monster lately. When I check my email I check Craigslist. Last night I went through my rounds and found this dresser for 30 dollars. I got in contact with the dealer as fast as I could and made it mine.

Dove tail connections = excellent craftsmanship

Besides the fact that it was cheap, has detachable legs, and an adjustable shelf on the inside it has so much character. LOOK AT THOSE STRIPES AND RECESSED HANDLES!

Awesome I say.

Friday, June 27, 2008

On the Roof

I have yet to live in Fort Collins, Colorado for a full year. But I know I have definitely become more 'outdoorsy' from living here. Today this was apparent because of the fact that I went on a roof to take pics of clouds. But it might also have been because my house is dark and gloomy and boring. OHWELLLLL!

It is intense, RIGHT?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

PF Flyers!

Right before I left for Color-a-do I was doing a little walking on Ventura Blvd. I ended up taking a look through Buffalo Exchange. I hadn't been there in a while because I had lost the drive to rifle through all the racks. BUT I went to the shoe section and found these treasures.

Normally these shoes are 85 dollars or so. But I got them for the super keen price of 22 dollars. Werd.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I found this chair at a thrift store about 3 months ago. It was only 4 dollars.
(Picture by Jessie Frey)
My goal during this summer has been to find similar furniture for the new house. Lets pray I can do it!